Step to Crack Wi-fi Password:

Follow These Steps:

1. Boot your system with a backtrack 5 live dvd ora pendrive.

2. Goto Backtrack > Exploitation Tools > Wireless Exploitation Tools > WLAN Exploitation > fern-wifi-cracker

3. This is will open a fern wifi cracker window. Now the First step is to select the interface. Here in my case i have selected wlan0 interface .

4. To scan for Access Point click on the 2nd button ( wifi icon ).

Once you get the Access Point ,various AP’s of WEP and WPA are detected.

Fern wifi cracking

Now I am going to crack the WEP Encryption .

In my case , i have selected one Access Point and click on the Attack button.

Access Points fern wifi cracking

Once you click on the Attack button , it will start collecting packets.
attack collect packer


Once your IVS Packet count reaches 10000 or greater than that , its automatically crack the key and display it on the screen .

Password Found


To see the database , click on the Key Database button .

WPA CRACKING : For WPA cracking the steps are same except you just need to specify the dictionary file (a file containing list of passwords) for the attack.

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